Fruit Tree Grove
Education Station #2
A Fruit tree grove, or an orchard, is best described to be an intentional “farm where fruits and nuts are grown on trees and shrubs.” Orchards are typically nurtured for food production and include traditional fruits and nuts such as apples, oranges, pears, almonds, and walnuts.¹ Through the planting of trees, orchards can aid to mitigate climate change while simultaneously creating resilient sustainable communities. For instance, in an orchard, one tree alone can provide a long-term production of food for years with low labor efforts in comparison to large-scale pest-controlled production. By providing a long-term supply of healthy foods, orchards can become sustainable solutions to address “food deserts” in urban areas. Not only will orchards secure healthy foods for local community members, but is an accessible sustainable form of having food while reducing the carbon footprint it takes to travel to access quality foods.²
Besides food production, orchards also serve as a source of clean oxygen. The occupancy of trees in congested and urban areas can simultaneously reduce air pollution to improve air quality for local environments. Additionally, trees help to mitigate the radiating sun rays by providing shade to serving as a natural cooling system.³ For this, orchards are nature’s form of aiding to create healthier environments while also reducing our carbon footprint on Earth. However, they may also serve as an anchor to community connection. Fruitful trees throughout the seasons can serve as a talking point for the exchange and circulation of knowledge within the community. They offer a space for building relationships, growth, and learning strategies through collaborative efforts. Overall, orchards are a sustainable solution working with nature to provide a long-term production of healthy foods, better air quality, and a green space for community connections.
Our Community Grove
The majority of our fruit trees were donated by our neighbors at the inception of the garden with additional trees donated by partner organizations. All trees, including fruit tree groves, food forests, and gardens, are part of nature-based climate solutions, helping reduce heat within urban islands and sequestering CO2. Thank you to our community for our beautiful fruit trees!
Fighting Food Deserts
Orchards create a long-term supply of nutritious foods, which is one solution to food deserts, or socio-geographic areas in which residents lack easy access to affordable, accessible, enjoyable, healthy foods.
Keeping Cool
Planting more trees in urban areas provide important shade and reduce the urban heat island effect, the phenonmenon in which urbanized areas have higher air temperatures than rural or suburban areas.
Grove Up-Keep!
To maintain the Fruit Tree Grove, the trees must be pruned to promote proper growth and more fruit production. Think of pruning as like a haircut for your tree! Pruning gets rid of overgrown branches, dead pieces, and protects your plants from possibly developing a disease.
When to Prune
Fruit trees should be pruned annually with a careful eye on seasonal growth. It’s best to prune trees in late fall/winter when the trees are dormant, as well as when the tree is dry, not wet.
Pruning Techniques
Look for the 5 D’s while pruning: dead, dying, damaged, diseased, or deformed wood.
Start your cut from the underside of the branch at a 45-degree angle, about 2-3 inches from the base.
What to avoid while pruning:
Cutting branches for no reason
Pruning too much during the growing season (Spring, summer)
Performing flush (straight against trunk) or stab style cuts
Using dull trimmers
Pruning more than one-third of the total tree (even during the winter)
Cutting the entire top off of the tree
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Works Cited
¹ "What Is An Orchard? – 4-H Learning Network". 4Hlnet.Extension.Org, 2019,
² Luma, Joseph. "Importance Of Fruit Trees-10 Things You Need To Know - Garden Of Luma". Garden Of Luma, 2019,
³ "Benefits Of Orchards And Fruit Growing - The Orchard Project". The Orchard Project, 2021,